Some Issues Of Self-Defense Members Of Business Entities Rights


  • A. Kyrychok


non-jurisdictional form of protection, self-defense in form of action, self-defense of the corporate right.


The article based on an analysis of the current legislation and legal position of the scientific community, explored self-defense members of business entities rights.
Attention is paid to consideration of the concept of self-defense and its formation in historical context. Considered scientific position on the definition given concept and application.
Considered the possibility of the use of self-defense in corporate legal relations and concluded that self-defense is not only possible, but is a very effective tool to protect rights of members of business entities.
As there are various scientific opinions on the possibility of using only actions at self-defense, the article paid special attention to the possibility using methods of self-defense rights members of business entities in the form of maintenance from taking action (passive form). Thus examples methods of self-defense in the passive form and noted the effectiveness of these methods.
At the end of the article made conclusions regarding the considered issues.


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