Current Issue

The issue is prepared on the basis of the International scientific-practical conference organized by the Laboratory of Corporate Law of the Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship named after Academician F.G.Burchak NALS of Ukraine together with the educational-scientific law institute SHEI «Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk» (Ivano-Frankivsk, September 28-29, 2019). The results of scientific research on the comparative legal characteristics of corporate law of Ukraine and other European countries are highlighted.
For students, trainees, law students, academics, practitioners and all stakeholders.
Published: 2019-11-28
"Law & Society" is a scientific legal and social journal, which is published in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. The journal was founded by Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University in 2014 and is published with support and assistance of Ivano-Frankivsk legal society. The journal publishes overview, problem-based, and original research articles in all areas of law, politilogy, sociology including, but not limited to, problems of corporative law, criminal-legal policy of Ukraine, environmental protection and so on.