«Inevitability» Of Responsibility For Corruption Crimes: Statistics That Are Not Lying


  • Mykola Khavroniuk


corruption crimes, inevitability of criminal responsibility


The effectiveness of law enforcement activities in the field of combating corruption can not be measured and determined without detailed statistical data. It is only on their basis that we can talk about successes or failures in the fight against corruption. But, according to official statistics, the overwhelming majority of latent corruptors did not inevitably take responsibility.
From the fact that the number of convicted persons for corruption crimes fell by 600% over the seven years, it can be concluded that the theoretical possibility of a proportional reduction in the number of investigators, and in particular prosecutors (it should be reminded that the reduction of the number of prosecutors planned in accordance with the Law of July 2, 2015) from January 1, 2018, up to 10,000 people were repealed by the Law of December 7, 2017, and their total number can reach 15,000 people - one for every 2670 people.


1. НАБУ: Зі 127 справ, переданих до суду, у третині досі не почався розгляд // https://www.pravda.com.ua/news/2018/05/2/7179279/
2. Судова статистика: https://court.gov.ua/inshe/sudova_statystyka/
3. Прокурорська статистика: https://www.gp.gov.ua/ua/stat.html
4. Хавронюк М. Прокуратура по німецькі: закону немає, а орднунг є // http://www.zakonoproekt.org.ua/prokuratura-po-nimetsjki-zakonu-nemaje-a-ordnungh-je_.aspx




