фітнес, мотивація, онлайн тренування, фітнес тренування для жінок молодого віку, гендерні роліAbstract
Summary. The article is dedicated to the investigation of online fitness training among young women. Online fitness reached the peak of its popularity during the pandemic. In addition to obvious reasons for choosing online training, there are also implicit motivational processes. The aim of the article is to explore the peculiriarities of selecting online fitness training among young women.
Objective. To investigate the peculiarities of how young women choose online fitness workouts.
Material and methods of research. The following methods were used in the research: theoretical analysis and generalization of literature, survey, and methods of mathematical statistics.
Obtained results. The obtained results help to understand the motivation behind the selection of online workouts among young women.
Conclusions. The conducted survey helped to find out that the menstrual cycle has a great influence on most women, and they are forced to change their workout routine depending on the phase of their menstrual cycle. Online workout allows women to choose the pace of workout depending on their health and preferences, this explains why most of the women (60.4%) are motivated to exercise using online workouts. Among the reasons for choosing online training, it is worth highlighting individualization and the convenience of preparing and organizing such workout. The ability to choose the optimal pace motivates the majority of respondents (58.5%) to do sports. The audio-visual component of workouts in the online format plays a big role in choosing a certain video, women's preferences may vary. Another advantage of online workout is the ability to combine different types of fitness workouts, for example, dance aerobics and stretching.
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