Analysis of indicators of the psycho-emotional state of internally displaced women of mature age and ways of their correction.
внутрішньо переміщені особи, зрілий вік, психоемоційний стан, якість життяAbstract
The purpose of our study was to determine the characteristics of behavior and expression of emotions, anxiety levels of internally displaced women of mature age. Because, in our opinion, they are extremely vulnerable to the manifestation of unmotivated anxiety, emotional instability in the conditions of the Ukrainian-Russian war. To achieve the goal of the research, we used a complementary set of methods: theoretical analysis and systematization of scientific research on the psychophysical state of internally displaced persons; sociological methods and methods of statistical calculation. The level of anxiety of internally displaced women of mature age who left their homes no more than three months ago was studied. We found that most respondents have a high level of anxiety (54.1%), 19.8% of participants have an above average level. These two indicators cause concern. 16.7% of women have an average level of anxiety; in 6.3% – below average, in 3.1% – low. The results indicate a significant number of respondents whose level of anxiety is average and above average and high. This means that it is worth paying special attention to their psycho-emotional health in order to provide adequate psychological support. We also established the tendency to unmotivated anxiety in this population category, their temperament and its influence on stress resistance. According to our data, only 3.1% of women are resistant to anxiety. At the same time, the vast majority (71.9%) of women show some tendency to anxiety states, a quarter of respondents (25%) experience unmotivated anxiety. Such data are critically important for understanding that there is an urgent need to promptly provide internally displaced women of mature age with psychological help aimed at improving their psycho-emotional state. The results of our research provide grounds for the development of programs aimed at improving the physical and psychoemotional conditions of this population category. The conclusions discuss the urgent need to pay attention to their mental and physical conditions, with an emphasis on the importance of health-recreational physical activity to reduce anxiety levels and counteract the tendency to unmotivated anxiety. Data analysis indicates the relevance of further research and development of programs to improve the psychophysical condition and general quality of life of this population group.
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