

globalization, intercultural communication in tourism, professional and applied aspect, future professionals in the sphere of tourism preparation


The article reveals the role of intercultural
communication in tourism in the
context of European integration processes
in general and its professional and applied
aspect in particular. Tourism development
global tendencies are identifi ed on the
WTO statistic data analysis basis as well as
Ukraine’s tourism issues are indicated. The
issues are related to state’s declared challenges
to redirection of international tourist
fl ows in Ukraine’s favour and inbound tourism
dynamics on one hand and to national
tourism market integration into world market
and low level of established intercultural
interactions in national tourism on the other
hand. The intercultural communication
meaning is analyzed due to close examination
of the published articles devoted to the
problem. Its professional and applied aspect
is considered as the conceptual foundation
of tourism activity both in multicultural
internal and external surroundings. It creates
the ground for establishing interaction
between different nations’ representatives
at the initial stage and further planning,
organization and conducting joint business
activity in tourism. Thus, intercultural
communication in tourism should be considered
as inseparable condition for interaction
building in tourism; foundation for
transnational tour companies creation and
functioning; tourism business operating and
activity component; tourism professionals
employment in joint ventures; the process
of tourists’ learning world cultures. Certain
attention is devoted to the implementation
of the tasks outlined in the Strategy for the
Development of Tourism and Resorts up to
2026, specifi cally to tourism industry quality
transformation and its integration into
global tourism market. It is suggested that
quality industry transformation should be
considered in the context of creation effective
communication processes between
various cultures representatives and future
professionals in the sphere of tourism for
business activity in multicultural surrounding

