Axiological Psychopedagogy of G. Zhuk: Basic Ideas, Conceptual Represen-tations, Practical Recommendations




axiological psychopedagogy, Grzegorz Zhuk, axiology of education, spiritual values, axiogenesis of a personality, socialization, valuation, intentional activity, educational (axiological) situation, educational ideal


Summary.  The article actualizes the problem of the deficiency of scientific communication in the field of axiological psychopedagogy despite the available demands and possibilities of modernity. The purpose of this article is a generalized presentation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of axiological psychopedagogy in the interpretation of the Polish scientist Grzegorz Zhuk. The descriptive-hermeneutic method of research of the scientist's symbolic monograph "Axiological education: delineation of problematics" (Lublin, 2016) was used, which allowed to obtain the following results: the content of key notions of axiology of education was revealed (social and personal values and anti-values; the process of valuation as an act of attributing the value to an object; ontological status, typology and hierarchy of values; targeting as a result of the deployment of intentional activity, conflict of values and value self-determination of a personality, etc.); psychological mechanisms of internalization of spiritual values (formation of attitude to the value standard, discovery and acceptance of values by means of irrational-emotional and rational-reflexive intellects, their inclusion in the hierarchy of personal values; family, cultural and institutional determinants of axiogenesis of a personality, his self-education; ways of constructing axiological (educational) situations taking into account conservative traditions and liberal trends, risks and chances of socialization of children and youth in cyberspace, etc. The result of axiological education is the formation of a spiritually mature personality, guided by altruistic motivation of behavior due to approaching his self-real to self-ideal. The need for cooperation of Ukrainian and Polish scientists and educators in the field of axiological psychopedagogy by coordination of educational ideals based on the closeness of cultural and historical traditions and mentality of these European peoples was concluded.

Keywords: axiological psychopedagogy, Grzegorz Zhuk, axiology of education, spiritual values, axiogenesis of a personality, socialization, valuation, intentional activity, educational (axiological) situation, educational ideal.

Author Biography

Zinoviia Karpenko, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Professor of the Department of Developmental Psychology,

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University




