Psycholinguistic Basics of Teaching Non-native Language in Technical High School


  • Zoіa Hyrych доктор педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри документознавства й української мови Національного аерокосмічного університету ім. М.Є. Жуковського «Харківський авіаційний інститут».



analytical cognitive style, motivation, external and internal speech, combined speech acts, interference of the native language, conscious and unconscious in teaching non-native language, interconnected learning of types of speech activity


In the conditions of competition in the educational services market, the problem of improving the quality of training foreign students in higher technical educational institutions is topical. In this regard, the most important task is to optimize the teaching of the Russian language, taking into account the psycholinguistic aspects of the speech-thinking activity of the subjects of technical education, the specifics of the formation of a speech statement in a non-native language. Based on this, the article highlighted and supplemented the psycholinguistic basics of teaching non-native language of foreign engineering students. The scientific article establishes that not only each educational group has its own cognitive profile, defined by its own cognitive styles, and not only each teacher has his own training profile, but also the textbook reflects the individual profile of the author. The main difficulties in mastering a foreign language are the discrepancy between these cognitive profiles. The engineering cognitive style is peculiar to specialists of engineering profile. In order to improve the quality of teaching Russian language to foreign students of engineering profile, the teacher needs to study and take into account their typical cognitive styles. Experimental results indicate that students’ motivational reserves remain insufficiently realized due to the lack of the subjective importance of mastering non-native language. The author notes that, teaching the formation of internal speech in a foreign language, we teach and practical possession of them. The development of internal speech is influenced by exercises in listening, speaking, reading, writing. It is emphasized that the idea of ​​interconnected learning for different types of speech activity is a fac­tor in optimizing the learning and cognitive activity of students. It is concluded that the com­bi­ned speech acts express the interpenetration of the types of speech activity in the process of learning speech communication. It has been established that the process of generating a speech statement by foreign engineering students is complicated by the interference of the native language. The Russian language skills of these students are formed on the basis of the already existing skills of native speech. It is important to take into account the peculiarities of the scientific text perception by stu­dents. The information and results of the research presented in the article will be useful for teachers of the Russian (Ukrainian) language as non-native / foreign for the formation of the communicative competence of foreign engineering students.

