Qualitative approach in gender studies: problems of training a researcher


  • Oksana Shchotka кандидат психологічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри пси­хології, Ніжинський державний університет ім. Миколи Гоголя




qualitative research, local nature of the fact, methodological triangulation, reliance on values, narrative research, performance-based research, action research, conversation analysis, discourse analysis


The aim of our article is to highlight the possibilities of a qualitative approach to gender studies in order to show the advisability of developing competence of future gender researchers in the use of this approach.

Qualitative research are most relevant to modern methodology of gender studies, they do not impose on the subject the position of the researcher, allow to take into account the uniqueness of the researcher's experience. New forms of qualitative research are associated with constructivism: narrative research, performance-based research, action research. Their implementation implies close co-operation during the research and also the close connection between the study of the problem and its solution. Despite the methodological priorities of modern gender psychology, most studies remain in line with the quantitative approach. However, if in the West the number of qualitative studies of gender grows in recent years, then in Ukrainian gender psychology such a trend is not observed.

New forms of qualitative research are associated with constructivism: narrative research, performance-based research, action research. Their implementation implies close co-operation during the research and also the close connection between the study of the problem and its solution.

Qualitative research requires special competence from the researcher: an understanding of the methodology, forms, methods of qualitative research, the ability to apply them, and a special position based on the dialogic and reflexivity of the scientist. An important role in the development of this kind of competency is played by the workshop "Qualitative Methods in Psychological Studies of Gender".



