men, motive, health training, strength training, young ageAbstract
The article defines the motivational priorities of men in the process of health activities and their importance for the construction of health training. One of the reasons for the low level of health and insufficient physical activity in young men is the insufficient level of motivation. The aim of the article is to study the priority motives in health training of young men. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, sociological research methods (questionnaires, surveys), methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The research involved 50 men of the first mature age who attend physical education and fitness sessions in fitness clubs of Ivano-Frankivsk. As a result of the sociological research, the characteristics of the contingent of young men engaged in fitness training were established, which determined their social status, level of education, family status, and training experience. The main motives that encourage men to do systematic training are figure correction and reduction of excess body weight. After conducting a detailed analysis, it was established that the absolute majority of interviewed men prefer strength training. The predominant direction of classes is health. The results of men's self-assessment of their state of health were presented. The relationship between age and movement preferences of men has been established. The presence of bad habits was revealed in the respondents who participated in the study. Among the reasons that do not provide an opportunity to engage in physical culture and health activities, the interviewees identified lack of time, lack of financial capacity and insufficient number of like-minded people to participate in health activities. The presence of men's knowledge of the concept of a healthy lifestyle and the interest in using physical culture tools in order to maintain a high level of work capacity was found out.
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