Energy of Substitution of Anions and Cations in Zinc and Cadmium Telluride


  • V.V. Prokopiv Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • М.S. Pylyponiuk Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • V.М. Boychuk Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • G.D. Маteik Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • T.M. Mazur Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • I.V. Horichok Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University



zinc telluride, cadmium telluride, doping, substitution energy


Energy substitution of cations and anions in ZnTe i CdTe by atoms from first and seventh group of the periodic table were calculated using the method of bonding orbitals. Based on the results conclusions about the most likely types of defects by doping.


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How to Cite

Prokopiv, V., Pylyponiuk М., Boychuk, V., Маteik G., Mazur, T., & Horichok, I. (2016). Energy of Substitution of Anions and Cations in Zinc and Cadmium Telluride. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 17(4), 504–506.



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