About the Journal

Physics and Chemistry of Solid State is a peer-review academic periodical journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. The main topics for manuscripts are related to the modern problems of the physics, chemistry and of the technology of solids state. The journal publishes reviews and original research papers.
Journal's issues has been published from 2000.

Media identifier (National): R30-02046

ISSN 1729-4428 (Print)   E-ISSN 2309-8589 (Online)

CiteScore  2023 - 1.7 (2022 - 1.1, 2021 - 0.8)

SJR 2023 - 0.215

SNIP 2023 - 0.431

Quartile: Q3

Frequency: quarterly

Current Issue

Vol. 25 No. 3 (2024)
Published: 2024-09-26


Scientific articles (Physics)

Scientific articles (Chemistry)

Scientific articles (Technology)

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