Thermomechanical and Dielectric Properties Mesocomposites Based Polyepoxy, Metal Oxides and Polyaniline Hardened in Constant Physical Fields


  • Y.V. Bardadym Institute of macromolecular chemistry of NAS of Ukraine
  • V.O. Vilensky Institute of macromolecular chemistry of NAS of Ukraine



physical fields, polyepoxy, mesocomposites, metal oxide


The specimens of polyepoxy and mesocomposites on the base metal oxides CdO, PbO, Cr2O3, or mixtures thereof in the presence of polyaniline have been studied by methods of thermomechanical and dielectric analsis. Blending physical fields during curing samples stimulates reduction of activation energy, but also contributes to the glass transition temperature and confirms the conclusion set conformational change in the interstitial fragments forming a grid Chemical oxirane polymers under the influence of external physical fields. Differences tanhesa dielectric loss determined topological structure changes due to the influence of external factors on the reaction polipryyednannya and forming a three-dimensional grid. It was found decisive role interaction EP « МеО turnaround in determining the structure and characteristics mezokompozytiv based acid-base properties of metal oxide. Therefore, the use of metal oxides with different redox properties makes it possible to widely change thermomechanical and dielectric properties.


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How to Cite

Bardadym, Y., & Vilensky, V. (2019). Thermomechanical and Dielectric Properties Mesocomposites Based Polyepoxy, Metal Oxides and Polyaniline Hardened in Constant Physical Fields. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 16(4), 726–733.



Scientific articles