Review of Theory of Mesocopic Systems


  • V.V. Fedotov NTUU ”Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnik Institute”



mesoscopic systems, quantum phase, coherence, nanostructured system, macroscopic characteristics


In the framework of this work an overview of the theory of mesoscopic systems is made. The main effects of mesoscopic systems are noted. It is determined that the macroscopic characteristics of the system are significantly fluctuating within the mesoscopic level. The basic indicators of coherence of the quantum phase are determined and the mechanisms of influence are outlined. Six effects of mesoscopic systems are characterized with detailed justification. The theory of mesoscopic systems is based on the following mesoscopic effects: the Aaronov-Bohm effect; the effect of the integral quantum output; fractional quantum Hall effect; universal fluctuations of conduction; quantum conductivity quantum dot contact; DC currents in mesoscopic rings.
Prospects for further developments in this area of research are based on a detailed study of mesoscopic effects based on the growing tendency for the production and research of materials containing the smallest structures and have low-dimensional features, which leads to the mesoscopic regime. 


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How to Cite

Fedotov , V. (2017). Review of Theory of Mesocopic Systems. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 18(3), 282–287.



Scientific articles