The influence of the structure of guard rings on the dark currents of silicon p-i-n photodiodes
silicon, photodiode, dark current, guard ringAbstract
The article examines the influence of the guard rings (GR) system structure on the dark currents of responsive elements (RE) and the actual guard rings of silicon 4-element p-i-n photodiodes (PD). The samples were made on the basis of p-silicon by planar technology. Samples with one, two, and three GR were produced. It was found that increasing the amount of n+-GRs does not reduce the dark current of the REs. But with an increase in the number of n+-GRs, the probability of an edge breakdown of the n+-p-junction in the regions of the exit of the hetero-junction of the GR to the surface increases. It is possible to reduce the levels of dark current of REs and GR by combining n+- and p+- guard regions, where p+-GR is a region of restriction of dark current leakage channels, isotypic with the substrate material. PD was made with p+-GR on the periphery of the crystal in the form of a concentric ring, as well as with a p+- region on the entire periphery of the crystal. This makes it possible to reduce the level of of dark current of n+- GR due to the reduction of the area of collection of charge carriers from the surface. But a significant decrease in the dark current of REs was not observed in such cases. We proposed to carry out boron diffusion in the gaps between REs and between REs and n+-GR.
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