The Thermoelectric Solar Generator


  • V.V. Prokopiv Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • L.I. Nykyruy Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • O.M. Voznyak Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • B.S. Dzundza Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • I.V. Horichok Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • Ya.S. Yavorskyi Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • O.M. Matkivskyi Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University
  • T.M. Mazur Vasyl Stefanyk Prekarpathian University



thermoelectric generator, solar collector, lead telluride


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How to Cite

Prokopiv, V., Nykyruy, L., Voznyak, O., Dzundza, B., Horichok, I., Yavorskyi, Y., … Mazur, T. (2017). The Thermoelectric Solar Generator. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 18(3), 372–375.



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