Application of Titanium Dioxide for Zirconium Ions Adsorption and Separation from a Multicomponent Mixture


  • H. Vasylyeva Uzhhorod national university
  • I. Mironyuk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • I. Mykytyn Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • M. Strilchuk NAS of Ukraine Institute for Nuclear Research
  • I. Maliuk NAS of Ukraine Institute for Nuclear Research
  • V. Tryshyn NAS of Ukraine Institute for Nuclear Research
  • Kh. Savka Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



mesoporous TiO2, zirconium ions, adsorption, separation, ICP-MS


This work studies the adsorption of zirconium ions by mesoporous titanium dioxide and by sodium-modified mesoporous titanium dioxide. Experimental maximal adsorption values of zirconium ions by H-TiO2 and Na-TiO2 were found to be 64 mg/g and 109,5 mg/g respectively. This process depends on the interaction time, equilibrium concentration of zirconium ions and acidity of the solution. Adsorption kinetics fit well into the diffusion kinetic model and indicate a several stages of zirconium ions adsorption. Equilibrium adsorption of zirconium ions is well described by the Langmuir's adsorption theory for both adsorbents. The results obtained by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry showed that the investigated adsorbent selectively adsorb zirconium ions from the mixture with strontium and yttrium ions in the range of solution pH = 0-1. The percentage of maximum extraction of zirconium ions is 86,61% for H-TiO2 and 94,11% for Na-TiO2. This fact is extremely valuable for nuclear forensics or for the determination of 90Sr in low activity background samples.


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How to Cite

Vasylyeva, H., Mironyuk, I., Mykytyn, I., Strilchuk, M., Maliuk, I., Tryshyn, V., & Savka, K. (2021). Application of Titanium Dioxide for Zirconium Ions Adsorption and Separation from a Multicomponent Mixture. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 22(3), 460–469.



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