Effect of Thermal Annealings and Cooling Methods on Electrophysical Parameters of n Si Doped with Phosphorus Impurity Via the Melt and by Nuclear Transmutation Technique


  • G. P. Gaidar Institute for Nuclear Research of NAS of Ukraine




electrophysical parameters, n‑silicon, doping techniques, anisotropy parameters, thermal annealing, cooling rate


The effect of the different regimes of heat treatment on the kinetics of electronic processes in silicon crystals doped with phosphorus impurity via the melt and by nuclear transmutation technique. The most significant influence of cooling under intermediate value of cooling rate (ucl » 15 оС/min) after high-temperature annealing on the main electrophysical parameters of the transmutation-doped n‑Si áPñ crystals was established. Features of changes of the anisotropy parameters of mobility and thermal electromotive force measured on silicon crystals of different doping techniques both in the initial state, and after high-temperature annealing when using different cooling rates, were found and explained.


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How to Cite

Gaidar, G. P. (2018). Effect of Thermal Annealings and Cooling Methods on Electrophysical Parameters of n Si Doped with Phosphorus Impurity Via the Melt and by Nuclear Transmutation Technique. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 19(1), 40–47. https://doi.org/10.15330/pcss.19.1.40-47


