Computer modeling of transient processes in LED modules


  • I.T. Kogut Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
  • T.M. Demyanchuk LLC "EMB-ENERGO", Scientific and Production Department of ACS TP, Kyiv, Ukraine



LED, LED module, simulation of transient processes in LED modules


In this paper, a theoretical analysis and a practical study of the transient processes occurring when the LED modules are switched on are carried out. Light-emitting diode (LED) modules are a parallel, serial or mixed connection of individual light-emitting diodes in a discrete or integrated design. The non-uniformity of the voltage drop at the moment of switching on series-connected LEDs or series-connected LED cells containing parallel-connected LEDs is shown. This may be the reason for a short-term electrical breakdown of their p-n junctions. The obtained results can be useful for predicting the durability and reliability of LED devices.

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How to Cite

Kogut, I., & Demyanchuk, T. (2024). Computer modeling of transient processes in LED modules. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 25(2), 346–351.



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