Advantages of Direct Laser Writing for Enhancing the Resolution of Diffractive Optical Element Fabrication Processes
diffractive optical elements, modulation disks, resolution, direct laser writing, submicron structures, chalcogenide semiconductors, thermal exposure regimeAbstract
A technology for direct laser writing of code sequences on modulation disks has been developed and implemented, ensuring high accuracy and reliability in the process of forming structural elements. The main advantages of applying direct laser writing compared to contact lithography for forming submicron-sized elements have been demonstrated. The proposed technology is characterized by high resolution and flexibility in configuring the parameters of the optical recording system, making it suitable for a wide range of applications in micro-optics. Direct optical writing is presented as a promising approach for enhancing the resolution of optical systems used in recording submicron-sized diffractive optical elements, as this technology enables the creation of complex optical structures. Additionally, a detailed classification of current approaches for further increasing the resolution of the optical recording system was conducted, including the application of a saturated absorber layer on the photosensitive surface, the use of a laser beam with intensity modeled by a Bessel function, and the synthesis of photosensitive materials with optimized exposure characteristics, ensuring high efficiency and accuracy in the process of direct laser writing.
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Copyright (c) 2024 V.V. Petrov, А.А. Kryuchyn, Ie.V. Beliak, D.Yu. Manko, I.V. Kosyak, O.G. Melnik

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