On the Question of the Problems of Statistical Calculations of the Conducting Crystals Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties


  • Ya.S. Budzhak Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • T. Wacławski Krakow Polytechnic




Gibbs potential, dispersion law, chemical potential, drift force


This paper presents an elementary model of a crystal and its thermodynamic equilibrium state. It was shown that the thermodynamic characteristics of the crystal at this state are described by the Gibbs grand thermodynamic potential. If the crystal is removed away from the equilibrium state, then in this state it will be described by the set of kinetic properties, and these properties are statistically calculated with the use of the non-equilibrium Gibbs grand thermodynamic potential. Crystals’ thermodynamic and kinetic properties have analytical dependence on the current carriers dispersion law and chemical potential of these carriers. In this work, it was shown that the determination of the dispersion law and chemical potential – these are complicated problems of statistical and kinetic theories of crystals’ properties.


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How to Cite

Budzhak, Y., & Wacławski, T. (2019). On the Question of the Problems of Statistical Calculations of the Conducting Crystals Thermodynamic and Kinetic Properties. Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 20(4), 345–353. https://doi.org/10.15330/pcss.20.4.345-353



Scientific articles