GaN based light emitters
gallium nitride, layers and crystals, optical properties, mechanisms of radiative recombinationAbstract
The article discusses the preparation of epitaxial layers and GaN crystals, as well as the results of studies of their optical and luminescent properties. The parameters of the band structure of the resulting hexagonal modification materials ΔCR ≈ 10 meV and ΔSO ≈ 48 meV were determined. The mechanisms of the main recombination processes that determine the formation of radiation from undoped and Zn-doped materials have been established. The role of interband recombination and annihilation of excitons in the formation of radiation in the high-energy region and transitions of carriers through energy states that are formed and created by intrinsic point defects of the crystal lattice and dopant has been established. The role of response recombination processes in the formation of short-wave radiation spectra is analyzed.
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Copyright (c) 2024 M.M. Slyotov, O.M. Slyotov, H.V. Potsіluiko-Hryhoriak, M.P. Mazur, Т.М. Mazur

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